Wednesday 6 June 2012

Grrrrrr tiger

Sitting in the airport at Delhi's Indira Ghandi International airport. 80 kilos of luggage checked in. We are on our way home after 130 days in India.

We ended the trip, as we started it. On safari!
Sunrise in Corbett
This time we were in the beautiful Corbett National Park, and guess what.

We finally saw not one, but three tigers.

Corbett was as hot as Rishikesh. Everybody rests in the shade or takes a cooling bath (below)

Spotted deers (aka tiger snacks) following every move of the tiger. The one on the left is giving off a warning call.

Making territorial markings
Tiger safari involves a lot of waiting, for hours and hours.
Apart from tigers we saw many other animals; Gharials (long snouted indian crockodiles), Jungle Cats (a wild cat about the size of a domestic cats), all 4 species of Indian deers, lots of elephants and hundreds of bird species. A sample below:

Lisa and Erik with our driver and our guide/naturalist
Maybe after a couple of days' reflection or a glass of wine on the plane I'll be ready to share some profound insight or nuggets of wisdom based on our rich learning experiences. But not right now.