Saturday 4 February 2012

The eve of our day off

Oh no. Change of plans again. In class on Friday, while I was giving it my best downward dog, our teacher announces, "for newcomers, I teach the led class tomorrow." All controlled breathing went out the window as I grappled with idea that we don't after all get a day off! "What tomorrow, Saturday, no day of rest?" I asked in dismay. "Yes tomorrow, but Sunday holiday," she replied. So, we were up again this morning for yoga but had a mini lie-in until 5am!

After a stop at our local "Starbucks" of Mysore, we decided to hit the market today. Devaraja market is amazing, such an array of fruits arranged in pyramids, spices that tingle your nostrils, rices - long, short, fat and thin, beans, lentils, incense, oils, jasmine and rose garlands with bees and flies humming around them, and these piles of colored powder that they use to dye the fabulous bright saris that the women wear.

We bought a pack sandalwood incense, unsure of how to barter on the lovely veggies for the time being. After a 3-course curry lunch with drinks for a grand total of about $4, we decided to de-dust by the swimming pool of the Regalis hotel (formerly Southern Star) where all the yogis hangout for a bit of sun.

Now here we are on Saturday evening, our official eve of the rest day. So, after a week of healthy eating, no alcohol and a mostly vegetarian diet, we have decided to celebrate by ordering in pepperoni pizza (that costs 3 times the price of our lunch) and buying a couple of beers! I guess we have a way to go yet before our bodies are our temples! Cheers to you all with a Kingfisher beer.

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