Friday 3 February 2012

First days at school

I feel like I should be writing testing...testing... 1,2,3. Does this work? Are you seeing this? Here is not only the first ever blog posting on the snappily titled "Lisa and Erik in India" blog, but also my first blog posting ever, so forgive any mishaps.

We are here in Mysore, India, and yesterday was our first day at school - the esteemed KPJAYI yoga shala - known by ashtanga yogis the world over.We were a little nervous not really knowing what to expect. But that soon disappeared. In spite of the steamy, packed room with mats no more than 2 cms apart, there was a peace in the hall and we were soon in our swing, or rhythm, or rather.... Vinyasa. We were soon shaken out of that when were allocated a new, shockingly early start time of 4.30am. So yes, we were up today at 3.30am, drank our hot lemon, and headed sleepily off for day 2's yoga. We are already feeling the familiar aches of trying too hard!!

A couple of other firsts for the last 48 hours: our first coconut water drink, straight from the coconut; our first attempt at cooking on our weird gas hob - set the oil alight; my official first day not being employed; first time we saw the pigs wandering aimlessly along our street (that follows the yellow cows and pink sheep); and my first almost-argument with Mysorian pushing in front of me in the veggie queue at the supermarket.

On safari last weekend, we saw our first Indian elephants and leopards, had our first Ayurvedic massage and hot-oil-on-head treatment, and preferably our last trip in India in a car without seat belts in the back!

Tomorrow is already Friday - the days go surprisingly fast with so many new events and impressions. Since Saturday is our weekly yoga "day off" we are already planning a couple beers for tomorrow evening. Not very yogic apparently, but we gotta have something in return for the 3.30am risings. It's almost 8.30pm now and clearly time for bed. More soon. Cheers

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